The Playground People
From small beginnings in 1975 we have adapted and grown as a company to keep up in a progressive industry to meet the changing needs of clients and standards.
Today we are still a family owned company providing quality products manufactured in Australia.
Affiliations & Accreditations

MBA ( Master Builders
Association (ACT))

RoSPA (Internationally recognized
accreditation for Playground Inspections)

Kidsafe (Child Accident
Prevention Foundation NSW)

PRAV (Playground Recreation
Association Victoria)

LGP Approved Contractor

ACT Government Secure Local Jobs Code Certified Contractor (Certificate #00333)

University of Technology Sydney
– AHCPGD206 Conduct Visual inspection of park facilities.
– AHCPGD305 Conduct operational inspection of park facilities.
– AHCPGD Conduct comprehensive inspection of park facilities.

Canadian Playground Advisory
Certified Triax 2015 operator cert#C779
Agencies & Distributorships

Omnitech (Playground Equipment,
Fitness Stations and Park Furniture)

A1 Rubber (Australian Recycled
Rubber Surfaces)

Shade ‘N Net (Engineer Certified
Australian Shade Structures)